Hi friends and family! It's been much too long since we've had a talk.
I would like to blame it on Cory's extremely ancient and slow laptop from 1996. But I can't.
I would like to blame it on my lack of time from working my ass off all day everyday, but I can't.
I would like to blame it on nothing exciting happening in my life, but alas, I can't.
I'm just plain lazy!
I think about how much I miss my writing so much, and then I think about how much I have to say and how it will turn into a mumbled mess with me just throwing it all out there with my excitement of typing again.
Well, now is the time to start again. If you know me then you know that now is my happy time. Now is the time of year when all things feel fresh and new to me. Now is the time of year when I re-evaluate my goals, my dreams and my life path.
So instead of my filling you in on what life has given me the past 8 months or so I'm just going to start fresh after this quick update:
I am currently working at Anthony's Homeport and start cooking in a few weeks time. I am so excited and nervous for this opportunity. I'm mainly nervous about the lack of tips and the lack of pay and how Cory and I will make do. I am very excited for the opportunity to be able to see if this is what I should be focusing my life on or if it's just a pipe dream.
Cory and I are loving our life together. We, well I, went through a tough two year itch but we came out of it stronger than ever. I'm excited to have him in my life and I make sure I appreciate him and us everyday. I can't wait to see what is in store with us for the future. Hopefully babies and hopefully sooner rather than later! He hates when I talk about babies but the past few months I see his resolve faltering! ;)
Our days consist of work, puppies and playing with our RC cars that we got as an attempt to get a hobby to do together. BEST DECISION EVER!! Cory is also starting to play in a band again which gives him something to do that is his and that we both can be proud of together. We are slowly growing together and separately to make us have a stronger bond and I couldn't be happier with him.
That's it for my update and next I will fill you in on the changes I'm working on.
Oh and it feels great to type this out, makes me think I should go to the gym again one day! :)